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Pregnancy Yoga
There’s a good reason many women discover yoga for the first time during pregnancy-because of the wonderful benefits it gives. Yoga strengthens the body, opens the hips, and helps women learn to relax. Not only that but the sense of community in a prenatal yoga class is quite inspiring. Pregnant ladies come together who otherwise may have never met, they become friends, and often over the years, so do their children.
Attending a regular yoga class during pregnancy has numerous benefits for both mother and the unborn baby. Simply taking time out to relax and acknowledge the changes which are happening in the body can ease anxiety and help women to embrace the journey into motherhood.
Classes for pregnant women are specifically tailored to meet the needs of the students, focusing on what they can do, rather than contraindications to avoid. Many of the yoga poses can help ease common complaints associated with pregnancy such as back pain, nausea, tiredness and heartburn. Also issues related to pregnancy are discussed which wouldn’t normally be covered in a regular mixed yoga class.
Although practicing yoga does not guarantee an easy birth it can equip mothers-to-be with the tools to be able to deal with major life changes such as giving birth and becoming a parent. Breathing techniques learnt in class can be used during labour. This can help calm the mind and relax the body to conserve energy between contractions.
By far the most popular part of the class is the relaxation time. A quiet oasis away from the busyness of the outside world provides time to connect and tune in with the life growing inside. One, mother of three comments, ‘Classes are relaxed and sociable, I particularly enjoy meeting other pregnant ladies as well as having time for myself to listen and say hello to my unborn baby.’
Much like Aqua natal classes Pregnancy yoga is a great way to keep active when perhaps a regular workout routine may not be appropriate in the later stages of pregnancy. Pregnancy Yoga classes can be practiced right up to the birth with an emphasis on relaxing and gentle poses in the final trimester.
By Heidi Danaher. Heidi teaches Pregnancy Yoga Classes on Saturday mornings in Douglas on the Isle of Man. If you are looking for a Pregnancy Yoga Class in your area you could try looking on the British Wheel Website: http://www.bwy.org.uk The British Wheel of yoga is recognized as the governing body for yoga in Great Britain. There is a comprehensive list of teachers on their website, many of which have completed specialist Pregnancy yoga training either through the British Wheel or through other accredited organizations such as YogaBirth or Birthlight trust.
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