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Postnatal Recovery following Vaginal Birth
- -Slow down and rest as much as possible during the first couple of weeks.
- -Catch up on sleep during the day when your baby sleeps and unplug the phone.
- -Meditate daily as this helps the healing process and releases growth hormones needed for cell repair.
- -No housework, cleaning or running errands.
- -Accept help and support from family and friends.
- -Everyone loves to visit a new baby, limit your visitors per day as too many can be tiring.
- -Try not to skip meals, eat a well-balanced healthy diet, plenty fresh fruit and vegetables. Super foods for postnatal recovery include oily fish as these include essential fatty acids to help restore hormonal balance. Foods rich in vitamin E and zinc help to improve healing (nuts, seeds and avocados).
- -If you have a lack of appetite following birth try to eat smaller portions more frequently.
- -Avoid caffeine drinks as these over stimulate the body. Drink plenty of water, fruit juice and herbal teas.
- -If you feel like crying go-ahead let it all go you will feel better afterwards.
- -Talk about your feelings.
- -Create a peaceful environment for you and your baby by playing relaxing music.
- -Start your pelvic floor exercises. Ask your midwife if you don’t know how to do them.
- -Above all enjoy this special time in your life, these early days and weeks with your baby are precious. Talk to your baby, cuddle and love, remember and treasure every moment.
By Joanne Scurr, Qualified midwife, Consultant Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner specialising in Fertility, Pregnancy and Childbirth.
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