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Successful Breastfeeding.
- -Skin to skin contact at birth, and as much as possible in the postnatal period, a very special time to bond together.
- -Create a calm, relaxed and quiet environment during feeds, hear your baby sucking and swallowing.
- -Massage baby’s palm during feeds. Place a finger in baby’s palm with your thumb placed on the back of the hand and massage. This encourages the suckling reflex. Partners could help by doing this.
- -Feed your baby on demand.
- -Allow yourself to get into a comfortable position, use pillows or cushions to support yourself.
- -Place you baby’s tummy towards you and their nose to your nipple.
- -Baby to breast not breast to baby.
- -Place ample breast in baby’s mouth to enable baby to draw the milk easily and for the feed to feel comfortable and enjoyable for you both.
- -Feed baby at one breast for the whole feed.
- -Don’t be afraid to ask for help and support from your midwife. Ask your midwife to check if your baby is attached and positioned correctly.
- -If your baby is sleepy or mucosy it may be due to the birth, hand express some drops of colostrum onto baby’s lips 2-3 hourly to stimulate your baby to feed.
- -Make eye contact with your baby whilst feeding and send thoughts of love.
- -Always have a glass of water nearby whilst feeding. Take a large glass of water to bed with you.
- -What you eat makes your breast milk, to ensure nutritious milk for your baby it is important to eat a well balanced diet, also indulge yourself in eating snacks in between meals to maintain your energy levels.
- -Meditate as often as possible.
- -It is normal for your breasts to go smaller and softer at around two weeks of feeding. This is normal your milk supply is not drying up.
- -Babies normally have growth spurts every 2-3 weeks and may feed more frequently, your milk changes to meet their growing needs. You always have enough milk.
- -Above all stay calm, relaxed and enjoy the experience.
By Joanne Scurr, Qualified midwife, Consultant Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner specialising in Fertility, Pregnancy and Childbirth.
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